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Bible Study

Sunday School Classes

Classes can be ongoing or can be larger group classes which take place during Advent and Lent

Recent Advent Study

This study by Adam Hamilton explored the story of Jesus intertwined with that of his cousin John, the one whom the prophets foretold would come to “prepare the way of the Lord.”  When we hear the message of John the Baptist, it makes us and our world ready to receive Christ.

"He must increase but I must decrease."

John 3:30


A more contemporary class which challenges the bible and each other's perspective in a friendly and open environment. Leadership rotates with each study.

The class is currently studying John MacArthur's somewhat controversially written work of 12 extraordinary women of the Bible. 


More traditional bible study with a designated teacher. They are currently Doing The Following Jesus series of Adult Bible Studies.

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Explore past studies that may be of interest.  

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